Discover the
App Features

Share Your Location
Let your friends know where you are and easily plan meetups and hangouts.
Like & Comment
Engage with posts, photos, and updates from friends by liking and commenting on their content.
Geo-Location Tracking
Stay connected and find your friends easily by tracking their real-time location.
Chat & Messaging
Communicate and stay in touch with your friends through seamless messaging and chat features.
Personalized Agenda
With the Sean, you can create and share your itinerary, inviting others to join you on your exciting journey.
Ghost Mode
Maintain privacy and control by switching to ghost mode, where your location remains hidden from others.
Sean App
Sean App
Sean App
Sean App
Sean App
Sean App
Sean App
Sean App

Search and connect with people globally expanding your network

Have you heard? Sean is the talk of the town 🔥

They say Sean is where the cool kids gather these days 🙄

If you want to stay in the loop, you better be on Sean 🔥

I've heard people say that Sean is a game-changer in social networking 🙄

Who needs a map when you have Sean guiding your social life? 🤯

Rumors have it that Sean is the new way to connect in real time 🍕

Have you heard? Sean is the talk of the town 🔥

They say Sean is where the cool kids gather these days 🙄

If you want to stay in the loop, you better be on Sean 🔥

I've heard people say that Sean is a game-changer in social networking 🙄

Who needs a map when you have Sean guiding your social life? 🤯

Rumors have it that Sean is the new way to connect in real time 🍕

They say Sean is where the cool kids gather these days 🤯

They say Sean is where the cool kids gather these days. 🍕

Everyone's buzzing about Sean innovative geolocation-based platform 🔥

I've heard people say that Sean is a game-changer in social networking 🔥

Have you heard? Sean is the talk of the town! 🤯

Who needs a map when you have Sean guiding your social life? 🍕

They say Sean is where the cool kids gather these days 🤯

They say Sean is where the cool kids gather these days. 🍕

Everyone's buzzing about Sean innovative geolocation-based platform 🔥

I've heard people say that Sean is a game-changer in social networking 🔥

Have you heard? Sean is the talk of the town! 🤯

Who needs a map when you have Sean guiding your social life? 🍕

Keep track of
your friends

Stay connected with friends in real time with our mobile app, tracking their locations effortlessly through advanced geolocation features.
Sean mobile app
Sean mobile app

Blog and insights

Get Insightful stats of your game by accessing tracking data in real-time, delivered the way you want it.


What is Sean?

Sean is a revolutionary social networking platform designed to help people connect and build meaningful friendships. It provides a space where users can engage in authentic conversations, share their passions, and discover like-minded individuals.

How does the app work?

The app works by enabling users to create profiles and share their current location with their trusted connections. With this information, users can easily see where their friends are, plan meetups, and stay in the loop with their social circle.

But Sean goes beyond just connecting with friends. It also allows users to discover new people nearby and expand their social network. By browsing through profiles, users can find like-minded individuals, initiate conversations, and forge new friendships.

Is Sean available for both iOS and Android?

Yes, Sean is available for both iOS and Android devices. Stay tuned for updates on our website and social media channels to be the first to know when Sean becomes available for download.

Is Sean safe to use?

Yes, your safety and privacy are our top priorities. Sean implements strict security measures to protect user data and ensure a safe environment. We encourage users to report any inappropriate behavior, and our team promptly takes action to maintain a positive community experience.

Is Sean free to use?

Yes, Sean is free to download and use. We believe in creating an inclusive and accessible platform for everyone to connect and make friends. However, there are some optional premium features available to enhance your experience on the app.